React Native Paper Dates is a cross-platform Material Design date and time picker library for React Native Paper.
Install and follow the guide at react-native-paper.
yarn add react-native-paper-dates
npm install react-native-paper-dates --save
Register Translation
React-Native-Paper-Dates currently supports ar/ca/de/en/en-GB/es/fr/he/hi/it/ko/nl/pl/pt/tr/zh/zh-TW/cs/el/ru/ro/id/ja/th/uk-UA/no-NO/sv
translations. Ideally you would do this somewhere before react-native-paper-dates is used. For example, you might add the follow to your index.js
or app.js
import { enGB, registerTranslation } from 'react-native-paper-dates'
registerTranslation('en-GB', enGB)
React-Native-Paper-Dates also provides the ability to register your own translation. Ideally you would do this somewhere before react-native-paper-dates is used. For example, you might add the follow to your index.js
or app.js
import { registerTranslation } from 'react-native-paper-dates'
registerTranslation('pl', {
save: 'Save',
selectSingle: 'Select date',
selectMultiple: 'Select dates',
selectRange: 'Select period',
notAccordingToDateFormat: (inputFormat) =>
`Date format must be ${inputFormat}`,
mustBeHigherThan: (date) => `Must be later then ${date}`,
mustBeLowerThan: (date) => `Must be earlier then ${date}`,
mustBeBetween: (startDate, endDate) =>
`Must be between ${startDate} - ${endDate}`,
dateIsDisabled: 'Day is not allowed',
previous: 'Previous',
next: 'Next',
typeInDate: 'Type in date',
pickDateFromCalendar: 'Pick date from calendar',
close: 'Close',
If a language is not supported, consider creating a pull request so that it can officially be supported.
Android Caveats
We recommend Hermes with React Native >= 0.66 you won't need these polyfills at all!
Below React Native 0.66
You will need to add a polyfill for the Intl API on Android if:
- You have Hermes enabled and are below React Native 0.66.
- You have Hermes disabled and you want to support locales outside of en-US and you don't have the org.webkit:android-jsc-intl:+ variant enabled in your
Yarn Polyfills
yarn add react-native-localize @formatjs/intl-pluralrules @formatjs/intl-getcanonicallocales @formatjs/intl-listformat @formatjs/intl-displaynames @formatjs/intl-locale @formatjs/intl-datetimeformat @formatjs/intl-numberformat @formatjs/intl-relativetimeformat
Npm Polyfills
npm install react-native-localize @formatjs/intl-pluralrules @formatjs/intl-getcanonicallocales @formatjs/intl-listformat @formatjs/intl-displaynames @formatjs/intl-locale @formatjs/intl-datetimeformat @formatjs/intl-numberformat @formatjs/intl-relativetimeformat --save
If using Expo, omit react-native-localize
and use expo install expo-localization
instead. Read more here.
In your app starting entrypoint e.g. ./index.js
or even better use a
to prevent importing on iOS/web add the following code.
Don't forget to import the languages you want to support, in the example only english language is supported.
// on top of your file
const isAndroid = require('react-native').Platform.OS === 'android' // this line is only needed if you don't use an .android.js file
const isHermesEnabled = !!global.HermesInternal // this line is only needed if you don't use an .android.js file
// in your index.js file
if (isHermesEnabled || isAndroid) {
// this line is only needed if you don't use an .android.js file
require('@formatjs/intl-pluralrules/locale-data/en.js') // USE YOUR OWN LANGUAGE OR MULTIPLE IMPORTS YOU WANT TO SUPPORT
require('@formatjs/intl-displaynames/locale-data/en.js') // USE YOUR OWN LANGUAGE OR MULTIPLE IMPORTS YOU WANT TO SUPPORT
require('@formatjs/intl-listformat/locale-data/en.js') // USE YOUR OWN LANGUAGE OR MULTIPLE IMPORTS YOU WANT TO SUPPORT
require('@formatjs/intl-numberformat/locale-data/en.js') // USE YOUR OWN LANGUAGE OR MULTIPLE IMPORTS YOU WANT TO SUPPORT
require('@formatjs/intl-relativetimeformat/locale-data/en.js') // USE YOUR OWN LANGUAGE OR MULTIPLE IMPORTS YOU WANT TO SUPPORT
require('@formatjs/intl-datetimeformat/locale-data/en.js') // USE YOUR OWN LANGUAGE OR MULTIPLE IMPORTS YOU WANT TO SUPPORT
if ('__setDefaultTimeZone' in Intl.DateTimeFormat) {
// If you are using react-native-cli
let RNLocalize = require('react-native-localize')
// Are you using Expo, use this instead of previous 2 lines
// Intl.DateTimeFormat.__setDefaultTimeZone(
// require("expo-localization").timezone
// );
} // this line is only needed if you don't use an .android.js file
Tips & Tricks
- Use 0.14+ version of React-Native-Web (Modal and better number input)
- Try to avoid putting the Picker Modals inside of a scrollView If that is not possible use the following props on the surrounding ScrollViews/Flatlists
keyboardDismissMode = 'on-drag'
keyboardShouldPersistTaps = 'handled'
contentInsetAdjustmentBehavior = 'always'
This is to prevent the need to press 2 times before save or close button in modal works (1 press for closing keyboard, 1 press for confirm/close) React Native Issue: #10138